BBC Studios. Media City, Salford UK

MEdia City

The BBC Studios, Media City. Salford, UK. 30 October 2014.

I went on an adventure to Media City yesterday. ITV, BBC, an ice skating rink, and a TARDIS. There’s something so…lovely about glass buildings. Lovely seems so boring, but i don’t really know how else to describe it? glass buildings make me happy in general. -insert something about glass and the fragility of life- it’s nice for me, at least, to get out of the normal neighbourhoods that i see every single day and go to other places in the city…it’s funny that once you’re out and about that you realise how close everything is. Media City isn’t really that far from the city centre and right across the street from Old Trafford which is a little walk to the Tafford Centre. it kind of reminds me of Manhattan where everything seems so far apart on a map, but once you get stuck in and walking around, things are really closer than what you think they are.

Plus…we went across the way to the Lowry and bought chocolate bars as big as our faces at the Cadbury outlet because there’s a Cadbury outlet and because why not?

what do you think?